Its so refreshing to see a show of black women that doesn’t have wigs off slanging matches in bar.
Don’t get me wrong its entertaining viewing and i deffo like to have my fix from time to time of trash tv ,but I like to see a show like ”Married To Medicine”of well established african-american women and men with majority being in the medical profession and changing the narrative of the ideal doctor.
In Britain I don’t know if we have much black clinical leads and GP owners but in America it truly is land of opportunities especially for people of colour.
Most of the cast own practices and are not arrogant with it they truly serve their communities while entertaining the viewers at the same time.
What I appreciate of the show you get to see the personal lives of the the doctors and sisterhood and brotherhood on the show as the world of medicine can be physically and mentally draining so you deffo need support.
The thing is seeing is believing I think British tv producers missed a golden opportunity to highlight the ethnic doctors that’s work in the NHS, as a a large majority of the workforce is full of foreigners.
I always felt that if more ebony youth in Britain saw more black in leadership roles they will be more inspired and strive more.
What I will say I’m not squeamish around blood but I don’t like the thought of building an attachment with a patient and having to declare them dead later, as sadly death comes with the job, so despite me passing all my gcse science modules to my surprise the idea never crossed me to be a doctor.
But kudos to anyone who does as it’s a truly hard but prestigious profession to get into, but someone has to do the job.
What I will say we need more shows like Married to Medicine to be launched in Britain to erase the myths of the quality of a black person.
All I will say its refreshing to see a producers show a black person in white coat not an orange jumpsuit