What I pray for entering the new year no more war peace on all sides  I just find it terrible we are inhabitants in this great planet and some people are just destroying it.
There are no winners in war just physical and mental damage  that are usually always beyond repair.

Good Economy  people deserve to be able to  look at their bank account without squinting their eyes in shame.
What i find ironic some people go on holiday to exotic locations every other month while some people struggle to raise change for a day oyster.
Again life can unfair for some.

Less fake ness I feel if we can be cordial in Christmas why can’t everyday be Christmas.

Peaceful elections where having local elections this year so I hope people exercise their right to vote in a  non-threatening manner ,as their is sense of fear being a foreigner in modern Britain now.

More housing I feel its crying shame veterans in London are in hostels and disabled people are being denied suitable housing.

I feel we all have the power to change our lives and somebody else’s this year,but we all have to mentally prepared to make the positive change needed to break this negative cycle which I believe plagued 2024.

Also I will venture out more to exotic locations and also visit Canada a country that I have a lot of extended family in.
I feel as human beings we tend to stick in a bubble and not venture out,and also I  will try to get out of my phobia of eggs.
I don’t know I have never ate a boiled egg in years I don’t know the texture is what creeps me out, but I will just close my eyes and try to enjoy it as i know its good for you according to my pal Jane it tastes good with salad and salad cream so will wait and see.
Just hope 2025 is better than last year as truly last year SUCKED for the world!!

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