A Star Waiting To Shine

Taylor Swift and Celine Dion mastered the art of singing their thoughts and ending up having masterpieces  for albums.
Others are taking up some of the practice.
It’s just sad many go undiscovered.
I came across Sophia Scott music channel and I can confirm the girl has serious chops.
Her voice reminds me of Carrie Underwood.
I love the song ‘drink too much wine’ truly think others could relate as it’s telling of a personal relationship with the bottle.
And since pandemic many people could relate to the song.
I appreciate artists not afraid to take risks and do modern storytelling because sadly the listeners realise their listening to their life which genuinely does speak to the soul.
I’m happy there’s platforms these days to sell your own music basically be your own boss that’s one of the freedoms I think the internet gives you and helps many independent artists.
,but it is still hard work having to promote yourself and not having a big team behind you.
I always wonder as an artist how would I feel if I knew that I was good but through circumstances beyond my control I don’t get the fair chance to show my skills to the world.
Its like being the best chef in the world but not having guests to try your food.
What I will say keep on pursuing your musical dreams if you have a voice like Sophia Scott because good things come in due time,and perseverance is key to success in anything you do in life.

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