Why Does The Top Hate Council Estates

Why is it that council estates are left to rot even when some can be fixed with a lick of paint, and there is no sense of community everyone’s in the house  no interaction.
Why is a Italian café is fit for the city but not worth of being in areas like a NW London estate.
It just seems like forgotten towns and the well-meaning residents get forgotten as they don’t have a voice or their voice is not willing to be heard, and where are the officials championing for them not just in election times in posh repetitive leaflets.
Stating problems not solutions.
There are no shopping centres even when there’s space , as if saying  that people living in estates don’t have money.
The politicians forget that even people on low income can still afford to buy some items and shopping centres can provide much needed jobs which can be a boost for the community.
It’s not a crime to live in a estate, but it should be a crime for it to be ignored.
One resident I interviewed said ‘it feels like your waiting to die no chance of happiness’.
And they say where you live determines how long you live.
I laugh at people that think London is this lavish town decorated with union jack flags not everywhere is pristine and its not all the fault of the residents.
I believe estates where elderly and young people live there should be at least 1 cafe.
You may think it’s a rubbish but cafes are like British standard social hub, so you get to mingle while tucking into a sausage sarnie.
Also community events it’s like there are few meetings especially since the pandemic  so residents won’t have the chance to divulge their gripes which usually always is about damp as most of the houses look poorly maintained.
I just feel times are tragic when you don’t know the first name of your next door neighbour.
I just hope council tenants get to have politicians that actually  fight for them instead of using those same tenants during local or general elections.

Is that all their worth?

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