Do You Really Want A Slot?

I don’t know why towns in England are trying to be mini versions of Las Vegas  with extra tackiness thrown in.
Residents in some parts of London are worried about their once idyllic streets being  polluted by rundown bingo halls, betting shops as they are opening in alarming rates.
I find it ironic  in times of a cost of living crisis in Britain and frankly all over the world, and people are counting and guarding the pennies, there’s still some individuals who are not even in  the best financial standing  but are still willing to splurge  and gamble it all away.
If you can’t work but you can still stroll to the bingo hall is that not cheeky to the taxpayer
I truly feel  these premises personally they cheapen the high streets and don’t add no value to the residents.
Why people are rightly worried the studies show the gambling premises lead to more criminal behaviour ,and again put people more into poverty so isn’t it contributing to a vicious cycle. Since Covid people have developed more  addictive  behaviours e,g eating and sexual behaviour.
If you have an addictive personality and live near a gambling hall or betting shop wouldn’t it not lead to more mental health issues and contribute to more financial hardship.
It’s like a alcoholic being best friends with a barman anyway you look at it’s not a good mix.
The government should be looking at this rising issue before it gets truly out of hand except someone is gaining from the  top by giving licensing to premises like this.
And I urge people if your tempted think is it worth splashing cash I don’t have or putting food on the table.
If you struggle answering that in your head I’m sorry to say you could likely be a gabling addict and should seek professional help as services are available.

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