It truly is sad a area I use to represent is 3rd to last in most depressing list of places to live. But sadly not shocking as many say standards in Brent have dipped over the years and show no sign of improving.
What I feel personally makes an area depressing is bad housing and lack of diversity.
And not having access to your housing officers and elected officials in a free manner.
Also lack of community events most residents will definitely feel cut of from the world.
And contribute to the feeling of just living for living sake.
Also not having virtually any access to the civic centre just indicate the workers are hiding from the residents and just collecting their pay-check.
Which shouldn’t be the case as it’s a public building.
Especially since pandemic many council workers reject meeting residents which is very disturbing as its a lack of duty of care.
Also when crime is on the rise it will affect your mood you can’t be happy when you don’t feel safe.
I feel when you have a lot of out of borough transfers for any area you have failed already as a council places like hammersmith Lambeth they are thriving in terms of people wishing to locate but it is very competitive in the council waiting list and so many are not lucky.
And when there is lack of diverse restaurants and eateries that does damper peoples moods.
For example in east london you have cafes , jamaican ,turkish,brazilian,nigerian restaurant the administration know that is how you attract wider audiences and get to feel like your serving the whole community. If you don’t provide other options definitely some races will feel left out.
I saw online the only time Brent is popular when there is an event in Wembley Stadium or Wembley Arena how tragic is that for the largest borough in London.
I truly feel external bodies should come and oversea councils that are failing their residents just because a party is elected to represent doesn’t actually mean they are fit to run a council.
Once councils ae left to their own devices that is how residents pay the price.
The thing is where you live determines how long you live I’m grateful for this poll and encourage those in top of government to take notice and do more interviews with various residents to get the full picture of why they hate where they are living.
But they better sit down with tea and biscuits as some people have complaints that could drag on a whole day and truly will shock their ears.