Sometimes it’s hard to know what party these days to trust.
They say few people can get to the top and stay humble and appreciate the people that aided that journey.
People in Britain truly feel used and deceived and that sentiment is expressed in a national petition that is demanding another general election and has gathered almost over 1 million signatures.
From why its happening people say broken promises and the nation thought when Labour got in they wouldn’t feel the pinch but now there feeling pinches all over their body and they cant cope and need instant relief.
Cutting the winter fuel benefits to most was a step too far for most because sadly elderly people will die this winter as they won’t be able to heat their house and more susceptible to infections.
I wont lie the current government inherited a bad economy and tensions are tough all over the world but British citizens don’t care they want a government that still gives you a comfort blanket and give you reassurance not leave you out in the cold to literally fend for yourself.
And now i hear they are going to have a big benefit crackdown on benefits.
I agree there are people abusing the system for years and they should be targeted but what about the vulnerable people that literally can’t function in a work place and need support.
And i heard there’s some people that had their benefits frozen by councils in London even when they have attended appointments and because the government is tough on benefits if they report nationally they say they don’t get any support.
And most people think that’s a joke the payments itself universal credit can’t even get you a kfc bucket every day of the week,
so what are they gonna cut from that.
And I heard a council in north west london was even giving claimants that were even working extra money while paying the bare minimal to others so that to me shows the system can be abused by the people implementing it where is the checks for them.
The government shouldn’t be scapegoating all claimants of benefits who some may genuinely need it for life or for temporary measure before they get back into work.
And when I found interesting the demographic not working that government is looking into is the 16-24.
I think it’s easy to say dossing in bed playing games all day not the case the thing is some of that demographic went to college and uni and never got assistance to enter a work placement or get references.
They had to go out in the cold and job hunt and when the doors kept closing they decided only door they want to see is their bedroom door.
The government should be looking into that as there is a decline in uni enrolment as people say what’s the point going when I won’t get a job anyway?
So I believe youth have a right to be disenfranchised.
What I would say the public is truly turning on this current government and there are many reasons stated online but also what countries in the world is experiencing all these elections in a short spaces of time will it do more harm than good to the ecomony?,also how can you take freebies and cut peoples handouts.
Does that seem hypocritical to you or is it just me?