Anytime you watch housing crisis programmes you experience a range of feelings anger despair.
But the one that takes the biscuits is ‘How To Get a Council House’.
It truly leaves me screaming at the TV set.
No I’m not a raging lunatic.
I’m appalled at the standards of conducts in councils throughout the UK especially London.
The way they treat tenants when they come for help makes you want to do examination on officers to search if they have a heart.
I saw a woman collapse on the floor and the housing manager viewed it as dramatics, as she she said most people when they want a house they can even cut their wrists ,collapse wail on the floor they seen it all.
Doesn’t have any effect in their decision on who they want to award a house to.
But from watching the series,
I now cracked the code when housing officers are having increasing lack of sympathy there’s usually someone of higher level in the council department that instructs officers to disregard sob stories because if you do you will be awarding housing to every dick and harry,
Assess who truly is of the highest priority and if they are then maybe they get assistance the others dismiss and don’t be afraid of dismissing as you have security alarm and a human hulk guarding the office.
And most importantly there’s lack of housing so we cant be fairy godmothers and muster op housing and private landlords and bed and breakfasts cost the council millions per years.
So the more you refuse the less expense it is on the council.
I’m a realist I know where living in one of the worst housing crisis’s in a generation.
But councils shouldn’t exploit that fact and treat people lick muck when they seek for housing.
The council workers forget their dealing with the most vulnerable in society and some people are homeless through no fault of their own.
Not everyone is intentionally homeless.
I remember when I was a councillor when you visited some tenants they were relieved, as they said at least you listen and care some of them were afraid to phone other politicians, as they viewed them as snooty.
I couldn’t help them all with council housing transfers, but even the ones I couldn’t assist i still showed humanity.
Which is what I think is lacking in most council departments.
I know its spouted on election leaflets, but it should come into fruition.
That should be more social housing development in London.
Which to me is at an all time low when there higher population with evolving families.
But few housing to accommodate.
What i will say housing officers redo your sensitivity training and just remember that we are all one pay check from being in the homeless category.
And don’t make people think it’s a crime to be poor.